A Quick Chat With LOAstate

A Quick Chat With LOAstate

LOAstate are new to the Manchester music scene, although it’s members are already veterans. Forming through the breakup of several other bands who were successful enough in their own right, LOAstate are making a name for themselves with their exciting live performances centred around their own dystopian reality. As they approach their biggest show to date, at Band On The Wall in April, we caught up with them to discuss everything going on in their world, and ours…

So you guys used to make up several Manchester bands, if I’m correct? How did you guys come together as LOAstate?

We were all bandless at the time but still wanted to write music. As a little project we got a group of friends together to record whatever it was we felt like doing. We placed no boundaries around this because we wanted it to be as natural and creative as possible. The band kind formed out of this. What you’ve heard so far are songs that came directly from those sessions.

Your project is a combination of art and music, what’s the concept behind this?

The concept behind it is that we’re soundtracking our own series. We’ve created a story that’s set in the world of LOAstate. Our imagery as well as the songs we write are a commentary of the events that are happening there.

You sold out your show at YES, and there’s another big one coming at Band On The Wall. Are you excited to be playing bigger venues so soon?

Yeah definitely. It’s risky but it pushes us to work harder to sell tickets. We knew with the complexity of it all that it wouldn’t be an overnight thing. We have to grow organically and it’s nice to keep setting big goals. 

You’ve released a string of singles, can we expect anything else soon? Is there an album in the pipeline?

We’ve got one more song that drops 27th March and then after that we’ll be starting our E.P series. It’s hard to be patient because we’ve been sitting on these songs for a while now but we know if we rush this it won’t work. There’s definitely a shift coming and the mood feels right. We’re just happy to be putting out a positive message in our little corner of the world.


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