A Quick Q&A With Premium Leisure & Oli Barton-Wood

A Quick Q&A With Premium Leisure & Oli Barton-Wood

Chris Barker AKA Premium Leisure is back with ‘Ready For Forever’, serving audiences with another dose of 70s inspired psych-pop. Released in collaboration with producer Oli Barton-Wood, ‘Ready For Forever’, will feature on a four-track EP; released early 2021 via Plum Cuts, Barton-Wood’s new label venture.

We caught up with the pair to discuss their new projects and getting creative in the midst of a global pandemic.

2020 has been a very strange year. How have the various lockdowns proved for you both? How have you kept sane?

PL: I’ve been very lucky and had plenty of things to keep me occupied and releasing new music has taken the edge off somewhat. I’m missing going to gigs a lot, I can’t wait to feel my trousers shake in front of a band behind a sound system, beer in hand!

O: It has been very strange! My sanity has been coming and going that’s for sure, but like Chris I’ve just tried to busy myself up as much as possible. During the first lockdown I had a few mixing projects that I could do remotely, but also took on a bunch of new projects including the label. I can be a bit of a workaholic and hermit so it didn’t suit me too bad, but I’ve really felt the struggle of a lot of my friends and collaborators who rely on gigging to pay the bills, and the mental affect that the BLM movement is having on people’s creativity.

Can you describe your music for our readers?

PL: Guitar driven, groove led, 70s influenced alternative pop rock played by some jolly good pals.

What’s the idea behind ‘Ready For Forever’?

PL: I wrote this song when I was taking a step back and questioning why we can often glorify the idea of having no ties. The song describes characters drifting about without any burdens, asking us to give up the guilty conscience and loosen up. Their invitations are somewhat turned down for more spiritual aspirations.

What was the recording process of your latest single like?

PL: I spent a day in the studio I often use in Oxford with drummer Mike Monaghan and bassist Harry Deacon and laid down the core of the track. Their performances are incredible and really make this track for me. I then overlaid guitars and vocals in my flat and recorded Ash Cooke’s backing vocals too. Some genius adjustments and additions were made courtesy of Oli Barton-Wood at his studio in Peckham, in preparation for his mix. The track did the rounds and feels like a great collaboration of everyone involved.

What’s it like releasing music into a pandemic?

PL: It’s been good, I’ve got a great team of people around me and it’s really exciting working with everyone on the releases. I’ve been very lucky to be able to shoot two videos with the direction of very talented people. Obviously, it’s been sad not to get out gigging the tunes, but hopefully that time will come, and maybe people have more time to listen and explore new music at the moment, I don’t know?!

Lots of people have an association with you (Chris) as Willie J Healey’s guitarist – how’s it been striking out on your own?

PL: I’ve always written and recorded my own songs and I have been writing and playing with Will for many years now. Working on the WJH project led me on to forming a band as an outlet for my songs and Will has been part of the Premium Leisure line-up playing on some of the tracks. I think getting into the mindset of fronting a band was a challenge, I don’t have any wicked stage moves at my disposal, but other than that it all came about quite naturally and I’m really enjoying it. With these batch of songs, I think I’ve had more to say and been able to put this into the Premium Leisure lyrics.

Have you always wanted to be a musician, or did you have any other childhood aspirations?

PL: I’ve always wanted to play music, ever since I was 7 I think. It’s always been the thing I do. I've always been interested in the technical side of music too and work as an acoustic engineer which feeds nicely into my production work.

What led you (Oli) to set up your own label?

O: I just had a realisation that I was sitting on a load of unreleased music that I was really proud of! I feel really fortunate to be surrounded by so many brilliant songwriters, and I was having meetings with labels always playing the bits I’ve been working on that weren’t already signed. Some stuff gets picked up, but some doesn’t, and releasing your own music can be really daunting because of all the extra work. I felt like I could bring some of these projects together and make a little home for them that has my production/mixing in common. Then when Anton and Nathan who I run the label with came on board it felt really right, and I didn’t feel like I was completely out of my depth - they are really knowledgeable and know how to actually run a label!

What’s it been like setting that up in a world where the music scene is in such a precarious situation?

O: I’m not sure that really crossed my mind. It just felt like something that had to be done! There’s always going to be difficulties and hurdles to overcome, obviously not being able to gig right now to promote the music is a big shame, but it still felt like the right time to get on with it.

What do Plum Cuts look for in new music, and what drew you to Premium Leisure?

O: To be honest, I don’t think there’s any particular rule - the first few artists are more guitar led but I think our tastes are quite varied so it will change and develop over time. What I look for in an artist is a strong sense of self and personality. I think it’s more important than ever for an artist to be creative across all mediums - a good idea about artwork, video concepts and production aesthetic as well as writing great songs. A label like ours it there to help realise and platform the existing vision of an artist rather than try put them in a box. Chris definitely has all these traits and is a lovely guy to work with, so it was just a no brainer!

You’ve united a fair bit of the Oxford music scene to contribute to your music, is Oxford important to you (Chris) as an artist?

PL: Yes, very much so. I believe there is so much to be said for the coming together of different musicians and want Premium Leisure to keep building on this in the future. After studying in Southampton, I was itching to get back to playing music in Oxford. There’s a good fluidity between bands which results in a very collaborative music scene. Not to mention all the passionate promoters and crew working in the venues around the city that make all the events happen. Pre-lockdown, I would be going to multiple gigs and events every month. It’s a great place to be inspired.

Pandemic aside, what does the future hold for you both?

PL: My fingers are crossed for gigs in 2021, I would love to get touring at some point. We greedily started playing with 3 guitarists before lockdown which was ruddy brilliant, and I want to work on this more!

O: Lots more recording and releasing on the label! I’ve got a bunch of fun stuff on the horizon, as well as finishing off a great project I recorded in Tanzania at the start of this year which I’m really looking forward to getting out!

‘Ready For Forever’ is out now.

Discover Plum Cuts

Image: Ash Cooke

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